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SubjectiveKit Schools

SubjectiveKit Schools is the our library of school data for Subjective for Web and Subjective on Apple platforms.

The data is served as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) from The source code can be found here.

The format of this data can be found in the sj source code here, and described below. Other properties may be featured in formats and implementations using this data (such as the Subjective data file format) which SubjectiveKit does not provide, and are not listed here.


The data is stored as an array of School objects, each of which has the following properties:

PropertyType 1Description
namestringThe name of the school. This should be unique within the School array.
bellTimesarrayAn array of BellTime objects, whose format is described below.
linksarrayAn array of Link objects, whose format is described below.
locationstringThe location of the school. This should be in the format <suburb>, <state>.
longitudenumberThe longitude of the school.
latitudenumberThe latitude of the school.
noticesarrayAn array of Notice objects. SubjectiveKit does not provide any notices, instead storing an empty array ([]).
userCreatedbooleanWhether the school was created by a user. This controls whether the school can be edited.
versionstringThe version of the file format. This is currently unused and hardcoded as 1.1.


A BellTime represents the instant of time when a bell rings, and normally corresponds to a period of time from that instant to the next bell. It has the following properties:

PropertyType 1Description
namestringThe name of the bell time.
hournumberThe hour of the bell time. This should be between 0 and 23.
minutenumberThe minute of the bell time. This should be between 0 and 59.
enabledbooleanWhether the bell time is enabled. This defaults to true.

A Link represents a link to a website that students can access from a user interface quickly. It has the following properties:

PropertyType 1Description
titlestringThe displayed name of the link.
iconstringThe icon identifier as stated in Apple's SF Symbols icon library.
destinationstringThe destination URL of the link.


  1. The type of the property as described in RFC 8259, section 3. 2 3